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Educational Programs Press Release  


OCTOBER 13, 2007 - JANUARY 5, 2008

  This exceptional Art Nouveau teagown was created by the House of Worth. Founded by Charles Frederick Worth in 1857, this was one of the foremost couture houses in Paris, and was much patronized by an elite international clientele. The teagown is made of white silk gauze, with a pink and green floral motif and is covered with an ecru lace. Each flower and vine is edged in chain stitch.

The Chicago History Museum owns many dresses by Worth, purchased by clients such as Mrs. John Jacob Glessner, Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, Mrs. Potter Palmer, and Mrs. George Mortimer Pullman. This teagown was worn by Mrs. Colin Powys Campbell, née Nancy Lathrop Carver Leiter. Her father, Levi Zeigler Leiter, was a pioneering Chicago merchant (along with Potter Palmer, he helped found Marshall Fields), and was prominent in banking and real estate. Her sister, Mary Victoria Leiter, married Lord Curzon and became Vicereine of India.




House of Worth, teagown, c.1900, France, gift of Mrs. Middleton Train, photograph by Irving Solero