Anne Fogarty
/ The New Look
Examining the topic of historicism from many theoretical angles in relationship to her 2004 exhibition, Malign Muses: When Fashion Turns Back, curator Judith Clark discussed the ways in which the past haunts the present: "It is about quotation, about history as muse, and the problematic relationship with repetition."

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Designer Anne Fogarty’s feminine and romantic fashions featured full skirts and tiny waistlines that created an hourglass shape reminiscent of mid-19th century styles. Fogarty’s penchant for petticoats was legendary—she was known to wear four at a time underneath her own bouffant skirts. For this ensemble, she used a bright red net petticoat to support the skirt, but the 1950s woman also had the option of updated cage crinolines, such as the Hoop-la.

Anne Fogarty
Cocktail dress
Green silk satin and taffeta, red net
1950-1954, USA
The Museum at FIT, 92.59.1
Gift of Berta Katz